3 Strategies to Study English
English is an international language in the world. I think it is very important to learn this language, and I have 3 methods to my self. The first method to learn English is watching movie with English translate. I can get a lot of new new English words, and their pronounciation. The second method is try to translate my favorite song cause I can find the meaning of new words, and I can remember it easy. And the third method is listening to music cause I can get the same thing like as watching movie, but that is more fun to do for me. Those are my ways to improve my English skill.
3 Things I love about Islam
I’m a muslim, and there are 3 things made me love about islam. The first one is the God (Allah .SWT.) because God is the lord of the universe, he has no partner, children or parents, and there is no one like him. The second one is the last prophet (Muhammad .SAW.) because God sent prophet to guide me, and all people in the world. The prophet told us how to have a good life as a human beings. The third one is I love abaout the rule in islam. For example, the five pillars of islam are the principles that govern the lives of muslims, and those pillars are ; shahadah, charity, fasting, and go to hajj to Meca. Finally as a moslem person I have to do all about the pillars of islam, and I have to say thanks to God (Allah .SWT.) for his sustenance. ( Alhamdulillah )
3 Things to Do after Graduation
I am a student of islamic university. After I finish my study, there are 3 things that I want todo after graduation. The first thing is I want to continue my study. I will take my post graduate program, and take section in the Gadjah Mada university. The second thing is I want to get a job as Public Relation of international company, and I want to give a happiness for my father. The last thing is I will get marriage with my beloved boy friend. Those are my obsession that I want to catch, and I will try to do as best as I can.
Making Fried Rice
Every body know about fried rice, and making fried rice is easy. If you want to make fried rice you can follow these steps. The first step is put one plate of rice. Next, you have to make the spices. You can find the igredients in your kitchen. Like, onion, garlic, salt, and chili, then you have to grind all that igredients until soft. Besides, preparing the spices, you have to prepare the vegetable. For the vegetable, you have to slice the carrot and tomatto. The second step is heat the oil on the pan. After that put the spices in the pan, and wait until the spices produces the good aroma. Then put the vegetable and rice in to the pan. Then stir it until it is cooked. Finally you can try these steps for your breakfast.
My Cozy Spot (Bed Room)
I have cozy spot. My cozy spot is bed room. My bed room is very neat, and there are many things that I need. In the front of my bed room, there is a cupboard, and behind my cupboard there is my matras. Besides my matras, there is my book shelf. Then beside my book shelf there is my table to study. Besides the table there is my little shelf to put all my stuff, and the last, in my bed roomcorner there is my dirty clothes basket. I will always try to make up my room, and that is my beloved room. I’m really comfortable to be there.
3 Sources in Islam
There are any 3 sources in Islam that it used. The first source is “Al-quran”. Al-quran is one of miracles in islam. Al-quran is revelated to the prophet Muhammad, and these are the words from Allah (swt). The second source is “Hadith”. Hadith is all the words, and all things that the prophet Muhammad did in the past. The last source is “Ijtihad”. Ijtihad is the opinion from “ulama” that becomes a law. Finally, we are as moslems should believe in those 3 sources, and we have to do all the things that are suggestedin those sources.
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